CEHAT is running a 24*7 helpline to respond to women and girls facing violence .Please call this number 9029073154 for support and assistance.
CEHAT produces a wide range of scholarly publications, reports and IEC resources highlighting the intersection and interaction of health, health systems and gender. Our open-access research outputs, publications and resources aim to inform grassroots practice, advocacy, campaigns and policymakers.
CEHAT Resources
Author(s): Jesani, Amar
|Published Year: 1996
Mumbai: CEHAT, 135 p., January 1996
Read MoreAuthor(s): Nandraj, Sunil, Duggal, Ravi
|Published Year: 1996
Radical Journal of Health, 2(1), (New Series), January-March 1996, pp. 86-91
Read MoreAuthor(s): Duggal, Ravi
|Published Year: 1996
47 p., January 1996 (Revised May 2000, also published as a book by VHAI)
Read MoreAuthor(s): Sinha, Roopashri
|Published Year: 1995
Mumbai: CEHAT, December 1995, 6 p.
Read MoreAuthor(s): Sinha, Roopashri
|Published Year: 1995
Mumbai: CEHAT December 1995, 6 p
Read MoreAuthor(s): Duggal, Ravi
|Published Year: 1995
Paper Presented at the National Seminar on Gender, Health and Reprodution, ISST, New Delhi, November 1995 and As ISST Occassional Paper No. 4/96, New Delhi, November 1995, 15 p.
Read MoreAuthor(s): Duggal, Ravi
|Published Year: 1995
Paper Presented at the International Symposium on 'What if the Indigenous People Reject Our Conceptions of Environment, Berne, October 1995, 8 p.
Read MoreAuthor(s): Jesani, Amar, Iyer, Aditi
|Published Year: 1995
In Our lives, Our Health, New Delhi, Coordination Unit, World Conference on Women, Beijing, Edited by Malini Karkal, August 1995, pp. 114-130
Read MoreAuthor(s): Duggal, Ravi
|Published Year: 1995
In our lives, our health, New Delhi, Coordination Unit, World Conference on Women, Beijing, Edited by Malini Karkal, August 1995, pp. 54-59
Read MoreAuthor(s): Jesani, Amar
|Published Year: 1995
Medical Ethics, 3(3), July-September 1995, pp. C9-C12
Read MoreCEHAT is running a 24*7 helpline to respond to women and girls facing violence .Please call this number 9029073154 for support and assistance.