CEHAT is running a 24*7 helpline to respond to women and girls facing violence .Please call this number 9029073154 for support and assistance.
CEHAT produces a wide range of scholarly publications, reports and IEC resources highlighting the intersection and interaction of health, health systems and gender. Our open-access research outputs, publications and resources aim to inform grassroots practice, advocacy, campaigns and policymakers.
CEHAT Resources
Author(s): Dilip, T. R., Mishra, U. S.
|Published Year: 2003
Mumbai: CEHAT, x,18 p., November 2003. [ISBN 81-89042-25-4]
Read MoreAuthor(s): Duggal, Ravi
|Published Year: 2003
Asian Social Forum, Hyderabad, January 2003 (also presented revised version at the CSIH International Conference on Right to Health Ottawa, Canada) October 2003, 26p.
Read MoreAuthor(s): Padma Deosthali, Burte, Aruna
|Published Year: 2003
October 2003, 12 p. (Submitted to Journal of Mental Health)
Read MoreAuthor(s): Saha, Shelley
|Published Year: 2003
Mumbai: CEHAT, xii, 24 p., October 2003. [ISBN 81-89042-22-X]
Read MoreAuthor(s): Ghosh, Swati
|Published Year: 2003
Mumbai: CEHAT, vii,20 p., October 2003. [ISBN 81-89042- 24-6]
Read MoreAuthor(s): Batra, Sangeeta, Rabindranathan, Sunanda
|Published Year: 2003
Mumbai: CEHAT, x, 18 p., October 2003. [ISBN 81-89042-23-8]
Read MoreAuthor(s): Phadke, Anant
|Published Year: 2003
Economic and Political Weekly, 38(41), 11-17 October 2003, pp.4308-4309
Read MoreAuthor(s): Padma Deosthali, Seema Malik
|Published Year: 2003
Prepared for the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health held in Bangkok, September 2003, 9p.
Read MoreAuthor(s): Madhiwalla, Neha
|Published Year: 2003
National Medical Journal of India, Supplement No.2, 16, 2003, pp.35-38
Read MoreAuthor(s): Madhiwalla, Neha
|Published Year: 2003
Humanscape, 5(9), September 2003, pp.27-29
Read MoreCEHAT is running a 24*7 helpline to respond to women and girls facing violence .Please call this number 9029073154 for support and assistance.